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The alert system and UI are experimental. Please share your feedback to help us to improve it.

Timeplus provides out-of-box charts and dashboards. You can also create sinks to send downsampled data to Kafka or other message buses, or notify others via email/slack. You can even send new messages to Kafka, then consume such messages timely in the downstream system. This could be a solution for alerting and automation.

Since it's a common use case to define and manage alerts, Timeplus started supporting alerts out-of-box.

Create New Alert Rule

Access the /console/alerts page to open the new Alert Manager.

You can check the button to create a new alert. Parameters:

  • Name: required, a unique name to identify the alert among other alerts in your workspace.
  • Severity: Critical, High, Low
  • Description: optional text to describe the purpose or logic of the alert
  • Trigger SQL: required. A streaming SQL. Once there is any new result from the query, Timeplus will fire the alert.
  • Clear SQL: optional. Another streaming SQL. Once there is any new result from the query, Timeplus will set this alert as resolved.
  • Output: currently we support Slack and PagerDuty to notify the users.
    • Slack:
      • Webhook URL: required. Please follow the guide to create one from
      • (Trigger) message body: optional. The message title is New Alert alert on ALERT_NAME is triggered! By default the message is Event: JSON You can customize the default template. Refer to the value for each column using the {{.column}} expression.
      • (Clear) message body: optional. The message title is Alert alert on ALERT_NAME is resolved! By default the message is Event: JSON You can customize the default template. Refer to the value for each column using the {{.column}} expression.
    • PagerDuty:
      • Routing Key: required. 32 character Integration Key for an integration on a PagerDuty service or rule set. Please check the PagerDuty documentation for details.
      • Component: optional, the additional context about what component goes wrong.


  • You can set the Trigger SQL as select avg(speed_kmh) as avg from tumble(car_live_data,5s) group by window_start having avg>51
  • Clear SQL as select avg(speed_kmh) as avg from tumble(car_live_data,5s) group by window_start having avg<=51
  • The message body for trigger message is Avg car speed is {{.avg}}

List Alerts

The Alerts tab shows the alert history. The alert status is either ALERT or OK. You can manually resolve an alert in ALERT status.

List Alerts Rules

The Alert Rules tab lists all defined alert rules. You can edit or delete the rule or resolve one alert no matter what status it is.